Software Research & Development

Debugging the Windows kernel on VMware Part Two

Debugging the Winows kernel with KDNet.
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Debugging the Windows kernel on VMware Part One

An introductory guide to get WinDbg working with Windows on VMware.
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THE FINALS a new f2p arena game

Taking an initial look at the security of the new free-to-play arena fps.
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CS2 Votekick XSS

A new Counter-Strike 2 XSS exploit that is triggered through the vote kick action.
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Counter-Strike 2 Release

Counter-Strike 2 takes over Counter-Strike Global Offensive on Steam.
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Preserving Your Digital Sandcastles with an IDA Plugin

An IDA Plugin for Seamless Function Signature Transfers.
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Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test Release

Valve has recently unveiled Counter-Strike 2, a revitalized version of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, now powered by the Source 2 Engine.
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DLL Hijacking for Code Execution

Code execution through DLL hijacking.
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IDA Plugin - Jump To Offset

Another small IDA plugin
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IDA Plugin - Get Offset

A small yet useful ida plugin
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